Student Baseline Survey in Mizoram

The Student Baseline Survey for 30 schools in Mizoram, including government-aided and ad hoc high schools, was begun on 13 June 2016. The Survey aims to understand the current situation in schools, to assist in the planning, monitoring, and evaluation of the CLIx project.

The team is working both with smaller-sized 9th std. classes consisting of 20-45 students, and in big schools where the classes have sections. The Survey uses ODK tools that are accessed through working computers in schools, along with tablets, laptops, and android phones. In the smaller classes all students are invited to participate; in the bigger schools, 40 students from across sections are selected using random sampling so that the data might be as representative as possible. The Survey is conducted by a Mizoram team member with the help of schoolteachers: students are divided into batches based on the numbers present; they are called in batch-wise according to the number of devices available in the school’s Computer Lab. Every student fills in two questionnaires:

  1. Student Questionnaire
  2. Student Learning Assessment Tool

Students busy with the questionnaires, at Govt. Sakawrtuichhun High School

The manner of administering the questionnaires is crucial, so as to enable students to follow the instructions for each step. As the language of the questionnaires is Mizo, comprehension is assured, and students have not been facing any difficulties. The device ratio is 1:1, and each student takes between one and two hours to complete the survey. All collected data is uploaded to the server on the same day.

So far the Mizoram team has completed the Student Baseline Survey with 373 students, in 13 of the 30 selected schools. The 17 schools remaining will be covered in August.

As required by CLIx Research, consent is obtained from all students participating in the Survey.