
Leadership Team

Project Description

Padma M Sarangapani

Professor and Chairperson, Centre of Excellence in Teacher Education (CETE), TISS & Project Director, CLIx

I work in the areas of education, curriculum, teacher education and policy. I have been involved in several initiatives including designing the M.A Education and BElEd. I co-led the District Quality Education Project in Chamarajanagar District (Karnataka), with a focus on the development of District and sub-District resource institutions. I have served on State and Central govt committees and was a member of the Steering Committee of the National Curriculum Framework 2005.

  • Ph.D University of Delhi. Education.
  • M.Sc IIT, Chennai. Physics.

    MS Vijay Kumar

    Associate Dean & Senior Strategic Advisor for Digital Learning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    I provide leadership for sustainable, technology-enabled, educational innovation at  MIT’s Office of Digital Learning. I was the Principal Investigator of OKI (Open Knowledge Initiative), an MIT-led collaborative project to develop an open architecture for enterprise educational applications. My research and my engagements as advisor/consultant are directed toward strategy, planning and implementing technological innovations for education. I currently co-lead the CLIx initiative.

    • Ed.D (1986), University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Dissertation: “Introducing Technological Innovations for Education in a Developing Country – Implications for Planning”
    • MS (1978), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras, India. Industrial Management
    • B.Tech (1975), IIT, Madras, India, Chemical Engineering

    Eric Klopfer

    Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    I am Director of the Scheller Teacher Education Program and The Education Arcade at MIT. My research focuses on the development and use of computer games and simulations for building understanding of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The games that I work on are designed to build understanding of scientific practices and concepts as well as critical knowledge, using both mobile and web-delivered game platforms.

    • Post Doc, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Education.
    • Ph.D, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Zoology.
    • BS, Cornell University. Biology.

      Amrita Patwardhan

      Head, Education Tata Trusts

        I have been working with the Education team of Tata Trusts since 2003. I lead the Education portfolio which focuses on addressing quality and equity in elementary education through regional and thematic work, with a special focus on Technology in Education, Teacher Education, and Children’s Literature. My special areas of interest are early literacy, children’s literature and tribal education. I have also worked as a primary school teacher and teacher educator.

        • M.Phil (2000), Central Institute of Education, Delhi University. Education.
        • Masters (1996), Department of Human Development and Family Studies, MS University, Vadodara. Child Development.

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