Towards the roll-out in Mizoram: School teachers take i2C forward

From mid-August to early September, the CLIx team in Mizoram worked to prepare the ground for the CLIX roll-out. In 14 of the 30 schools that are part of the programme here, schoolteachers who had already undergone i2C (Invitation to CLIx) trainings began the exercise of bringing their students into its ambit and, in the process, brushing up their own computer skills.

i2C ( is meant to be the interface between student and subject in the digital environment of CLIx; hence the teachers’ own familiarity with i2C will be as crucial as their knowledge of their subjects. Yet that ease will take time, as the Mizoram team discovered.

Many teachers in the CLIX schools, not only in Mizoram but also in the three other CLIx project states, are newcomers to using computers. In fact, some teachers spoke of their students being quicker and more adept than them when it came to digital navigation. In order to conduct and to complete the sessions successfully, there was also an observable dependence by the teachers on the FSPs (Field Support Persons) who were present throughout. The main issue seemed to be that although the teachers had already been trained, a long gap had ensued – it was a matter of getting some practice again. This, it may be hoped, will be remedied in the future. The other, more tangible roadblock is fluctuation in power supply – which makes the aim of ensuring uninterrupted power quite critical at this stage.

Some teachers may currently lack confidence, but others expressed excitement and said they were looking forward eagerly to the roll-out. The more enthusiastic teachers saw in the quickness of their students the potential for sharing and collective learning, which is really one of the main ideas underlying the entire CLIx approach.