Karthik Subramanian

I have 14 years of experience working with the State and Central Governments across diverse domains of public policy, governance and public service delivery.

  • P.G. Diploma in Rural Management (2008), Institute of Rural Management, Anand
  • B.Sc.(Comp.Sc.), Osmania University

    Satej Shende

    I  contribute to and coordinate  curriculum development and on- field training activities  for FTs, teachers and students. I help  develop and test the i2C course platform and school server and deploying  these in school labs by coordinating with and supporting field technologists. As a part of Gnowledge Lab, HBCSE, I am exploring the  value of open source technology for education and its use in achieving learning competencies. I also develop learning studio images, which are  customised Linux  OS images containing educational applications. I strongly believe that the education process should  evolve with time and that technology will  play a great role in it.
    Past experience: Software developer, 2.5 years, PI Techniques.

    • MCA (Master of Computer Application) (2012), Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research, University of Mumbai, Mumbai.
    • BCS (BSc Computer Science) (2009). Pune University, Pune.

      Lalbiakdiki Hnamte

      I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Education, Mizoram University. I have a teaching experience of more than 25 years at the post-graduate level and 6 years at the under-graduate level. As the project-in-charge of CLIx in Mizoram, my main role is to see that the project starts smoothly and that there is a close coordination among the different components of CLIx.

      Ph.D. (2010) in Education, Mizoram University, Specialisation in Women Studies, Sociological Foundations of Education, Educational Technology

      • Location: Mizoram

      Saurav Mohanty

      I was earlier working with the CLIx Rajasthan implementation team, and am now coordinating CLIx implementation in Chhattigarh.

      • MA, Azim Premji University. Education.

        Anusha Ramanathan

        I am a core member of the English and TPD teams.

        I have nearly two decades of experience in the education sector across various fields: English Language Teaching, Literature, Mass Media, Business Administration, Teacher Training, Curriculum Design, Content Development, Programme Coordinator, Department Head, Research Associate, Editor, etc. 

        My role in CLIx includes the design and development of the CLIx English modules and tools. I am involved in administrative, curricular, expansion and technological aspects of the RTICT programme, overall. I anchor the TPD English development and delivery and coordinate closely with the various CLIx teams and CLIx states to design and deliver TPD sessions and facilitate Communities of Practice with state teachers. 

        My research interests lie in English Language Teaching, Literature Studies, Assessment, Teacher Professional Development, ICT for Education, and Education Policy and Practice.

        • PhD, (2019), Department of English, University of Mumbai. English Language Teaching.
        • M.Phil, (2009), S.N.D.T. Women’s University. English.
        • MA, (2003), Department of English, University of Mumbai. English Language Teaching.
        • BA, (2000), R.D. National College, University of Mumbai. English.